doctor william kidd
doctor Mary Chorney Carter

Dr. William Kidd and Dr. Mary Chorney Carter retired from Fayetteville Animal Clinic in August 2021.

On behalf of our entire team, we would like to extend our gratitude for their many years of service. Dr. Kidd was with us for 33 years, and Dr. Chorney was part of the team for 25 years. Both made incredible contributions during their time at Fayetteville Animal Clinic, and we wish them well in their retirement.
doctor william kidd
doctor Mary Chorney Carter

Dr. Margie Carter and Dr. Farris Beasley

Our team would like to express our heartfelt appreciation for the dedication and service of our esteemed colleagues. Dr. Carter (pictured left) devoted an impressive 34 years to caring for our community, and Dr. Farris (pictured right) provided invaluable contributions until his retirement in 2004. Their hard work and commitment have left a lasting impact on Fayetteville Animal Clinic, and we send them our best wishes for a fulfilling retirement.
doctor william kidd

Dr. Nat Walker

Dr. Nat Walker retired from the practice in 2014. His expertise and compassionate care were instrumental in shaping the high standards of service we uphold today. We extend our deepest thanks for his dedication and contributions over the years.
doctor william kidd